Best Birthday Gift Ever ... - #PM64

Hi everyone. Good morning, it’s Pat here, coming to you from a different location than usual and a hotter location, for sure. I’m sure it’s about 100 degrees out here. Anyway, check this out. How beautiful is this? I can’t show it to you all from exactly where I’m sitting, but it’s a pretty amazing spot. I’m under an umbrella, of course, because it’s hot out here. Little cabanas over there. Beautiful hotel. My room’s up there somewhere.

Anyway, I wanted to do this Facebook Live from this spot because I wanted to share with you the best birthday gift ever, and I want to talk to you about that while I sit here in paradise. Here’s how I’m starting my day too. Is this not happy Pat? It is.

I wanted to talk to you about the best birthday gift. August is my birthday month, and those of you who know me, I celebrate all month, which is what I’ve been doing. Now, this year was a little different in the way that I have been gifting myself and taking care of myself, and a lot of that – not a lot of it, all of it stems back to this past winter and spring when many of you who follow me, you know that my best friend, Wanda, died in March from ovarian cancer. She fought the battle. I’m telling you, a four-year battle. Now, Wanda was like me. She was divorced, she was living alone, an entrepreneur, gave her all to her business, which many of us do.

I made a few notes this morning because I want to make some key points here and I don’t want to take up a lot of your time, but here’s the thing. The best birthday gift for me, this year, has been gifting myself when it comes to body, mind, and soul, my spirit. I want to elaborate a little bit, but not a lot because I have so much to share, but stay tuned at the end of this for an invitation for you.

When Wanda was in the last few weeks of her life, we had a lot of conversations. A lot of conversations, and if you know me, again, I dig deep. I was asking her, “What is it you still wanted to do?” The answer was travel. “What was your biggest regret?” Her honest answer to me was buying that business. The business ate her up. She gave her all to the business, and I see that all the time in my travels and in my work as a professional speaker and a coach, and just traveling yesterday from the East Coast to the West Coast, I looked around. I watch people. I’m not on my phone. I watch people when I’m traveling. I watch people in general, and here’s what I see happening and here’s what Wanda and I discussed.

I see people, entrepreneurs, people in corporate who are overwhelmed, over-extended, exhausted, overweight, unhappy, and just not enjoying their life. I saw many people yesterday with walkers, with canes, oxygen tanks, people who were overweight trying to sit comfortably in an airplane seat. Listen, if you’ve been on a plane these days, you know those seats are getting smaller and smaller and we’re getting bigger and bigger. So a cross-country flight is not comfortable in those circumstances.

Anyway, my last commitment and my promise to Wanda in all of our discussions, because so many times she said to me, “You know what? I’d give anything to trade places with you, and I’m so sorry I didn’t go on that extra bike ride with you and I’m so sorry that,” fill in the blank. We had a real heart-to-heart. She made me promise, and I committed to this, to getting back out onto the stages and talking to all of you about my success habits when it comes to health and wellness and lifestyle.

Again, I just say to you, hey, not a bad place to be working today, huh? Pretty nice. I’m here to speak at an event tomorrow and Friday, and tomorrow’s my birthday, and this is where I want to be and this is where I choose to be. It’s a decision.

Now, let me go back to the best birthday gift ever when it comes to body, mind, and soul. I had made a commitment this month, and again, if you’re following me you can see. I was in Nashville for the Isagenix celebration event. I learned so much. I met with the nutritionist, the doctors, the scientists, the researchers, the successful business owners, the multi-millionaires, and I learned so much that was so relevant to me that I want to share with you.

From there I came back and I went to the Global Leadership Summit, hosted at my church, hosted by Willow Creek Church in Chicago. My church is the satellite host. It’s my 14th year going to that summit because it feeds my soul. Faith is a big part of my life and my business, so the Global Leadership Summit was a big part of that. Again, amazing content, amazing speakers.

So now, I’m at the Ultimate Business Summit in Las Vegas for my business. So those three things already, and it’s only August 15th, have been the best birthday gift because if you’re not feeding you, body, mind, soul, and spirit, then what the heck is it all about? Again, look, it’s a pretty nice gift, right? It works for me.

I just want to check my notes here and make sure I haven’t missed anything that I wanted to share with you. Bottom line is for all the years I was married, every birthday I waited and waited and waited for someone to give me a card, make a phone call, bake me a cake, and I waited, and oftentimes the day would end and I’d go to bed in tears because I gave up accountability and responsibility for my happiness. I expected other people to make me happy on my birthday. That’s changed. I throw my own parties now and, at a minimum, I’ve got my own party where and when and how I want it, and whatever else happens is a bonus, and again, look at this. This is my gift to me. Pretty happy Pat, I’ll tell you.

The birthday gift of feeding me, feeding my soul, putting the oxygen tank on me first has been a top priority. So tomorrow I turn 67 years young and I’m so excited because I’m inspired again. I am on fire again. I will say that Nashville conference just really spoke to me, and my commitment and my promise to Wanda. So look out world because all I’m talking about these days is health and wellness and lifestyle. If you don’t take care of your health – health is your wealth – you’ve got nothing. You’ve got nothing else.

I see families falling apart, businesses going bankrupt, people having brain bleeds and strokes, and heart attacks, and for what? I mean, for what? And so you have to get a grip on you. What I’ve done, I feel like a million bucks. I am 66 and going strong, and I’m not stopping.

I did make that promise. Again, I’m just checking my notes here while you just breathe this in for a minute. Yes, got that? Hold that image in your mind if this is something or a place that you’d like to be. I know I spoke about all of that.

Again, I’ve gone on and on here a little bit. There’s just too much to share. What I did was, from each event, I took three key takeaways. Three key points that will enhance my health and wellness and my lifestyle, and so I have put them together in a condensed document because, if you know me, I go, I take three goals, I turn them into action steps, and then accountability and commitment, and one of the things I’ve done is set up a private Facebook group for health and wellness. We’ve been going for a few months now, but if some of you would like to commit and join that, just private message me.

But here’s what else I’m doing. I get home Saturday. Monday night, mark your calendar, 7pm Eastern I’m going to host a special Zoom training call and I’m going to share with you my takeaways from the celebration event in Nashville, from the Global Leadership Summit, and from the Ultimate Business Summit. It is going to speak to your body, soul, mind and spirit, and then I’m going to extend a special invitation for those of you who want to add some income to your life. What would an extra $500, $1000 a month do for your life? You should just sock that away and then make the commitment to be here next year with me, or somewhere else.

Join me Monday night, 7pm Eastern on a Zoom call. Private message me here on Facebook and we will send you the link to the Zoom call, and I’ll look forward to seeing you there and sharing my best birthday gift in detail, as well as an income-increasing opportunity.

All right. This message was important. This is my commitment to Wanda. It’s my promise to her. She was best friend and I’m going to follow through on this. Please hit the share button. Let a lot of people you care about know about this call coming up on Monday with me. Thanks for being here. I’m going to go enjoy my latte, which I have right here, and I’m just going to enjoy the view for a while before I continue work.

Thanks everyone. Go treat yourself like the special person that you are. Bye.


  1. Happy 67th and counting, Pat. Similarly, after a stressful 2017 and the death of a close friend and creative colleague, I made a commitment at the beginning of 2018 to make this year all about health and self-care, and to put my dreams at the top of my to do list. No more waiting for the right time, or the right situation, because we have no guaranteed days stretched out before us. I caught up all my medical tests, gave my mouth some attention, changed out how I eat, and I’m physically active every day. I’m 52 and in the best shape of my life. I feel 20 years younger. This self-care thing is established daily routine. Now I have the focus and energy for all those life projects. Wee!

    • Thanks for your kind comments, Jennifer. So happy to read about the decisions and changes you’ve made, too. The time to live our best life is NOW! Congratulations.

    • Tremendous Jennifer. Great decision to put YOU and your needs first. I always say that without good health nothing else will happen at its best. Continue your good work.

      I’ve made a similar promise to myself with the additional need to lose over 10 kilos.

      Best wishes,

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