Have you ever wondered what life would be like if there were 8 days in a week? I’m sure many of you would like to take advantage of that extra 24 hours, particularly at busy times of the year.

What would it be like, though, if you only had 6 days in a week? Have you ever thought about THAT? I know many of you are running on steam because you are busy working IN your business instead of working ON your business.

It is true that, in any business, there are peaks and valleys when it comes to time commitments! There are times, and there are days, and there are weeks, when you must crank it out – and that is when it can get dangerous. When you find yourself in a state of overwhelm, one of the first things to go, often,  is your health and, as an entrepreneur, that’s no joke.

For me, at this point in my life, time is precious – and I strive to master time management techniques that link to my energy levels as well. Here are a few things that keep me out of overwhelm that can also benefit you.

1.      EXERCISE.  This is non-negotiable in my life. I exercise every day, first thing in the morning, and it sets me up for success. I focus on strength training, yoga, cardio and much more. Scheduling exercise first thing in the morning is no different than my commitment to taking a shower each day. I wouldn’t leave home or work without having done either – and neither should you! I keep my exercise clothes right by the bedside so that, when the alarm goes off at 5:45 a.m., I hop right into those clothes – it’s a ‘no-excuses’ approach – and it works!

2.      PROPER NUTRITION.  This is another non-negotiable in my life. I know that one of my success techniques is to plan my meals. It’s a simple process. On Saturday mornings, I check my calendar for the up-coming week to determine whether or not I’m on the road, in hotels, out at business lunches and/or simply working in my office on any given day. Once I know those facts, then I plan my menu for each day of the week – to ensure I have included balanced meals of protein (fish, chicken, etc.), fruits, vegetables and so on. And then I shop for groceries with my list. Again – there are no excuses. It’s all about planning and preparation. Rarely is there a situation where it’s meal time and I’m left wondering, at the last minute, what to eat.

3.      MEDITATION AND PRAYER.  When I finish exercising in the morning, and it’s time for the ‘cool-down’, that’s when I spend time in meditation and reading my daily devotional. This, combined with the exercise, really sets me up for success for my day – both physically and mentally.

4.      MY TO-DO LIST. Wouldn’t start my work day without it! I begin with a very focused, revenue-generating list of things to get done each day – only 3 items go on that list – and I stay focused until all 3 are completed. I do not check email until after 1 revenue generating item has been accomplished. That is how I grow my revenue and my business!

5.      MY TEAM.  The phenomenal growth and success of my business is directly attributed to the expert resources I have around me. My team members are highly skilled in their areas of expertise – and their contributions to my business are critical and appreciated. I work on my own area of expertise – they ‘complete me’ in all the other areas.

As we work through various peaks and valleys in the life of my business, these are the major tips and techniques that set me up for success and for making money. If you are not doing each and every one of these, then you are running yourself into the ground. It’s no fun to be stressed and overwhelmed – that’s when you make major mistakes that end up costing you – either in dollars and cents, or health-wise. It’s just not worth it – nor is it smart.

Life and work can get pretty serious at times. Be sure you are doing what it takes to:

  • Stay in control
  • Stay healthy
  • Stay wealthy
  • Stay wise!

What is one thing you can do today to keep ‘out of overwhelm’?

Please share your thoughts!