Getting to Mastery Level
I LOVE SPEAKING. I love getting paid to speak. I love continuing to develop my professional speaking skills too. I know that many entrepreneurs are extremely frightened at the mere thought of getting on a stage and speaking.
‘Best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you’re talking about!’
– Michael Mescon
Professional speaking is the #1 way to grow your business. To become a masterful professional speaker does not happen overnight. It takes time. It takes skill. It takes learning from the masters.
Last week, I attended a 3-day speaking boot camp. This was no ordinary boot camp. It was hosted by individuals who are in the Speaker Hall of Fame, who have NYT best-selling books, who have made millions with their craft – who know how to build the ‘business’ of professional speaking.
I was constantly asked the question ‘why are you here’? I have been on stages for over 25 years but most of my experience was with an organization who crafted the content, who created the power point slides, who priced the presentation and so on. I was attending this particular boot camp so that I can continue to learn, and to learn from the best. I want to reach mastery level.
There are a few things to consider as you grow your professional speaking career and I want to give you my insights in that regard.
It all starts with a decision! For any entrepreneur who wants to grow their business, professional speaking is the way to go. Once you decide that you will use this tactic, then make the decision to learn from the best – study with the masters.
All successful professional speakers have had help along the way. One thing that stops speakers from becoming the best is ego. We get stuck. We don’t want to show our vulnerability and ask for help so we can continue to grow. Swallow that pride. Ditch the ego. Learn to ask for help and ask for help on a regular basis. Feedback is the breakfast of champions! In the Public Speaking workshop that I run twice a year, one of the leading issues is entrepreneurs who don’t know how to ask for help when it comes to improving their skills. Get over that! Start asking.
People wonder how you reach mastery level. It’s no different than any other craft – you practice, practice, practice – do it, do it, do it – practice some more. Get out and speak at every opportunity. Speak for free. Speak for a fee. Just get out and keep speaking.
Stop being the ‘best kept’ secret. You’ve got to tell everyone you are a professional speaker. You’ve got to give them information about your topic, about where you speak, why you speak. Tell everyone!
Be sure to evaluate, assess, re-assess your skills on a regular basis. It’s all about progress – not perfection. No one is perfect. No one presentation is ever perfect. Evaluate your skills and make a decision to constantly up-grade your skills. Get out of amateur status!
Professional speakers at the mastery level read. They read all the time. They read at least 50-100 books on their topic to stay current and relevant. Keep reading. Know what’s going on in the world. Stay current with your industry and that which is of interest to your audience. Start today!
Y – YOU.
You are the one who matters as a professional speaker. Be uniquely YOU! Stop comparing yourself to others. However, do study other speakers. Study style, techniques, tone, etc. but just be who you are. You will get booked, and re-booked, based on your authentic, unique self. As my mentor, Lou Tice, used to say ‘Just be you – because you is good enough!’
As an entrepreneur, it is so much easier to grow your business when you leverage your time and information and get on a stage! Start at the very beginning……….and work to become a master!
Where will you go and speak this week?
You are the person who matters as an expert speaker. Be extraordinarily YOU! Quit contrasting yourself with others. Be that as it may, do ponder different speakers. Study style, systems, tone, and so on however simply be who you are. You will get booked, and re-booked, taking into account your valid, interesting self. As my guide, Lou Tice, used to say ‘Simply be you – in light of the fact that you is sufficient!’
As a business visionary, it is such a great amount of less demanding to develop your business when you influence your time and data and get on a phase! Begin at the absolute starting point… … .and work to wind up an expert!