
Have you ever heard the expression: ‘take no prisoners”? I’m not sure where that originated but I do know that I witnessed many women entrepreneurs in a self-imposed prison last week at my one-day intensive workshop. They were allowing their comfort zone to keep them in a box when, in fact, we were talking about growing their business.

What exactly is a ‘comfort zone’? I looked up the definition.

“The comfort zone is a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk.

A person’s personality can be described by her comfort zone. Highly successful people may routinely step out of their comfort zones, to accomplish what they wish. A comfort zone is a type of mental conditioning that causes a person to create and operate in mental boundaries that are not real. Such boundaries create an unfounded sense of security.”

An example of stepping out of the comfort zone could be a recognized need to leave an unsatisfactory job but there is a fear of doing so as it would result in losing the sense of security the individual derives from the job.

I left a (contract) job a few years ago to step back into my own business. It would have been easy, and very comfortable, to have stayed in that position. But I wasn’t happy! (Can you relate?)

Where does your comfort zone hold you back in some areas of your business?

What impact is that having on your life as a whole?

These days, I make it a habit to stretch my comfort zone. When people ask me to do things, or to go to new places, and I feel that (positive) anxiety rising inside of me – I simply ask myself the question: “Is this sense of fear/discomfort real, or is it a comfort zone issue?” More often than not, it is all about my comfort zone.

Most of us go through life playing it safe! We would rather sit on the bleachers rather than get down in the field and ‘play the game’!

I definitely stopped doing that when I took the risk, a few years ago, and stepped on the private plane to travel around the world (www.privatejettours.ca) We traveled to many countries where there were people, experiences, food, tours etc. that were a HUGE stretch of comfort zone! At one point on this adventure, I was climbing out of a rowboat that took us down the Mekong River in Viet Nam. At a glance, you would think “no big deal’. For me – BIG DEAL! First of all, for years, I have had a fear of water. So, to climb into this little rowboat with people I barely knew (let alone the poor Vietnamese woman who was doing all the paddling!), and to be so close to the (dark, dingy) water that housed ‘critters’………no life jacket……holy crow! Huge comfort zone issue…….which could have led to poor self-talk…….which could have led to being left on the shore! No way! I wanted to experience EVERYTHING on this trip so I used the tools and techniques that I teach, and I got in the boat! I felt the fear and did it anyway. I was not going to let a simple ‘comfort zone’ issue hold me back from experiencing what life had to offer in this incredible country.

I run my business the same way these days. I know that I am the one who actually gets in my own way – and you do, too.

I got in the boat and I was very happy that I did. Many of you are simply missing the boat! When it comes to growing your business, you must get comfortable being uncomfortable. It’s that simple. Every time you reach a new level in business, the comfort zone issues come into play. The good news is that YOU have the power to change that – and it’s easy when you have the tools and the right coach to guide you.

I wanted to share this poem with you – unfortunately, I was not able to find the name of the author (because it’s not something I wrote). Enjoy –


I used to have a “Comfort Zone”
where I knew I couldn’t fail.
The same four walls and busy work
were really more like jail.
I longed, so much, to do the things
I’d never done before.
But I stayed inside my “Comfort Zone”
and paced the same old floor.

I said it didn’t matter
that I wasn’t doing much.
I said I didn’t care for things
like diamonds, furs, and such.
I claimed to be so busy with
the things inside the zone
but deep inside I longed for
something “special” of my own.

I couldn’t let my life go by
just watching others win!!
I held my breath and stepped outside
to let the change begin!
I took a step and with new strength
I’d never felt before,
I kissed my “Comfort Zone” good-bye
and closed and locked the door!

If you are in a “Comfort Zone”
afraid to venture out,
remember that all winners
were at one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise
can make your dreams come true.
Greet your future with a smile,
Success is there for YOU!

Where are you holding yourself back, simply because of comfort zones?

What is one decision you can make today, stretching your comfort zone, that will help you to grow your business? Please share your thoughts!