Another end to another week and it dawned on me today why many entrepreneurs do not have any balance in their lives. Wanna know the secret?

It’s because they haven’t created a vision of what they want their life to look like – and many do not even know how to set goals. Seems strange to people like me who thrive on goal-setting, but I’ve had many clients telling me that they just never learned how to set a goal. Intellectually, they know it’s important – but, in reality, they just don’t know how.

As I reflected on the past week, and all that I’ve accomplished, I now turn my sights to enjoying a fabulous summer weekend here in Canada. As my good friend, Marg, says – best to plan or, before we all know it, September will be here! So true.

Balance-Schmalance for sure! It’s not so much about balance and making time on the weekend to play – but, rather, it’s about figuring out just what you want your summer weekends to look like and feel like and then taking action. Without a plan – without a vision – without a dream – or, simply, without any ideas at all about what you want to do on weekends, then the ‘default setting’ for most entrepreneurs is typically to keep working.

That’s just sad!

And life goes on. And friends move on. And family move on. And you’re stuck working because you don’t know how to get a life.

Where and how to start? What do you enjoy doing? Keep it simple – I, for one, am heading to Quai du Vin ( this weekend for the “Ultimate Tributes’ musical in the vineyard – so much fun! Check out local events – become a tourist in your own community. Call a friend. Sit on your porch and read a book. Get the bike out and go for a ride. So much to do – so little time.

Balance-Schmalance, indeed. Get a life – that’s all I have to say. You’ll be happy you did!

Makes for a happier and more energized Monday…….. Try it. You’ll like it!


  1. Right on the money, it’s all about the plan!! My husband and I schedule time in January and June to revisit our budget and plan our “fun”. (He hates the budgeting process, so I roll the “fun planning” into it!!) One of the strategies we’ve used is to purchase tickets to events, that way we continue to keep it a priority. In the summer, we attend country music concerts. One winter we took ballroom dance lessons.


    • Lisa – I LOVE it – what a great strategy (and style!) you have. Thanks = for
      your comments. It IS all about the plan, whether we like it or not.

      Keep having fun – and keep coming back here. We love hearing from you.


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