Ahhh, time flies – and as we near milestones throughout the year – such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, summer vacations –  oftentimes we sit back and take our eye off the ball! Does that ever happen to you?

One of my habits and practices is to do just the opposite – I ramp up.  I get very competitive, with myself, and make every effort to achieve some lofty goals.

There are certain factors that contribute to success! That’s what I want to share with you in this article. My 32 ways to grow your business before Christmas – in this particular instance.

  1. Hire a VA – now! Many of you are doing too much IN your business – instead of working ON your business.
  2. Have a website and ensure it is SEO friendly.
  3. Schedule Google Alerts for speaking engagements,
  4. Respond on people’s blogs.
  5. Have a business line on your phone.
  6. Ensure your voicemail message is powerful, brief and explains what you do – then invite them to your website.
  7. Join a networking group and attend faithfully.
  8. Be committed to your success.
  9. Raise your rates.
  10. Have packages available for your clients.
  11. Get away from trading dollars for hours.
  12. Systematize everything.
  13. Create an ‘irresistible free offer’ and post everywhere.
  14. Get booked as a guest on blog talk radio.
  15. Write guest articles for other people’s ezines, blogs, etc.
  16. Ensure you begin your day with a To-Do list that contains only 3 revenue generating items – and work that list.
  17. Only check e-mail 3x a day – first thing in the morning (to see if any appointments have been changed), noon and end of day.  Keep in mind that e-mail is someone else’s agenda!
  18. Give!
  19. Phone people you’ve met in the last 6 months – ask how you might support them in their business.
  20. Use direct mail (that alone will make you unique).
  21. Ask for the sale! Many of you are leaving money on the table, right under your nose.
  22. Be known for one thing – and do it well.
  23. Accept credit cards.
  24. Write personal notes to people who least expect to get them.
  25. Work with a mentor – one who has experienced success and can help you.
  26. Be sure to do follow-up after every event – no later than 48 hours following the event.
  27. Call your “A’ clients and ask for referrals.
  28. Ask for written testimonials and use them in your marketing.
  29. Get a You Tube account.
  30. Post videos on YouTube.
  31. Write a weekly e-zine.
  32. Organize your time.

Get serious about your business instead of just ‘being busy’! You can really maximize the days left before year end – once you get focused, committed, passionate and take action.

Which one of these items will you implement this week? Please share your thoughts!


    • HI Heather – thanks so much! I appreciate your feedback!!!

      Keep at it – I’m telling you, it makes a world of difference. Well done!!!

      Thanks for your note,


    • Chloe – yes, that email could be a customer – and that customer can wait while you take one-hour to focus on revenue generating activities. If not, then you have not communicated very well with your current clients to help them understand when/how to communicate with YOU. If it’s a potential new customer, one hour is not going to make a world of difference – provided you do handle that email quickly and efficiently when you get on to email

      Hope that helps,


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