Do you ever wonder how/why some entrepreneurs are so successful? Are there times when you think it must be because of some ‘secret sauce’? I used to wonder those things myself…….from a distance.
The more I surrounded myself with successful people and high-achieving business owners, I learned something really important. There is NO secret sauce. There are no magic pills. There’s not even an ‘EASY’ button (think Staples TV commercials). Nope. None of that.
The more I spent time with these types of people, and the more I read (the likes of Bob Proctor etc), the more I learned it was all about timeless principles. And it was not limited to that either. I also learned that there are some basic tools and techniques that support these timeless principles. They have served me well and I want you to know about them, too.
Here are the 3 tools that I use each and every year to keep me focused, moving towards my vision and making progress on a consistent, daily basis. The scarcity mindset of business owners who constantly tell themselves they can’t grow, succeed, improve because ‘I can’t afford it’ is squashed by what I am about to share with you here!
Here are my 3 most favorite things and I always ensure they are on my desk and ready to go for a new year:
A WALL CALENDAR – Yes. Call me old school if you want – and, of course, I have an electronic calendar that we, as a team, use and share. But, for me, to have a wall calendar right next to my desk has been my ‘secret weapon’ for years. You can buy one at any business supply store – but, get one NOW because I tell everyone about this product and stores sell out LOL. Don’t get left out on the ‘waiting list’. If you want to learn exactly HOW I USE that wall calendar to increase productivity, increase sales, and have a fulfilling and rewarding life, you need to join me at my up-coming 3-day http://www.wealthmakerstoronto.com event where I will be teaching this in great detail! Be there 🙂
AN EGG TIMER – I know. You’re beginning to wonder about me, right? Don’t. Seriously, I have a timer that I use and I typically work in 15-minute blocks. I can focus. I make progress. I reach my goals, again on a daily and consistent basis. I focus on progress, not perfection. This tool is worth its weight in gold!
- MY GRATITUDE JOURNAL – This is how I end each day. I write in my Gratitude Journal – 5 things
each day for which I am grateful. In the beginning, a number of years ago, when I started all over with nothing ….no clients, no contacts, no money, no business – I still wrote in my Gratitude Journal each day. One thing I know for sure – we all have something for which to be grateful each day. In those days, I was grateful for my networking skills, for my ability to ask for help, for the shift in mindset as I ate tuna for the 5th day in a row. These days, I am grateful on a daily basis for the team support that I have, that I have the financial means to host a 3-day event in Toronto, for my amazing clients….and so much more.
Many of you complicate things and that’s what is holding you back. It’s holding you back from:
- Making money
- Attracting ideal clients
- Charging what you are worth
- Living your best life