TeamworkHow many of you are still doing everything on your own in your business? For those of you who know me at all, or who have worked with me, know that I have only 2 words for that: ‘that’s stupid’!

I know that, in the beginning, entrepreneurs think that they CAN do everything themselves and/or you have the mindset that you can’t possibly afford to hire help. Here’s the thing though – you’ve got to hire help – even if it’s only for 5 hours a month. No one can do it alone. No one!

What makes you think you are so unique? Or, as Dr. Phil would say: “How’s that working for you?” It is so important to start thinking about the growth of your business as soon as you get INTO business – and to start thinking about your organization. Your organizational chart should be created for where you are going and growing, not reflecting your current reality.

There are a number of reasons why entrepreneurs do not hire team members so let’s take a look at that.

Here are a few reasons why you might be holding back and a few tips on what to do:


Many entrepreneurs know (intellectually) that they should be hiring team members but they have no idea where/how to begin. You are an expert in YOUR field but have no background or knowledge about hiring people.

Tip: All entrepreneurs need an assistant – whether ‘in-person’ or ‘virtual’ – you need help. Start by making a list of all the items on your To Do list – then categorize those items into 2 columns: Revenue-Generating and Non-Revenue Generating. The Non-Revenue Generating items should be outsourced and delegated. Take a look at that list and identify what category they fall into: tekkie, admin or social media (for example). There are resources available to help you find the right support – and your best bet is to ask for referrals. Check with your coach, with your mastermind colleagues, ask the question on FB or LinkedIN – you are bound to get sufficient guidance to get you started. The key is to do it.


This is such a common problem. You actually can’t NOT afford to hire help right at the beginning and even as you grow your business. You probably need some guidance as you build your organization. Thinking that you are not able to afford to hire team members is more of a mindset than anything else.

Tip: Identify how much revenue you want to generate in a month. Then figure out how many hours you are going to work. Calculate your hourly rate and how many hours you need to work to generate that amount of revenue. Refer back to the list you created above in #1. Chances are you are spending much too much time on the non-revenue generating activities. If you outsourced/delegated at least 5 hours of tasks to an assistant, do the math. You still come out ahead AND you’ve had help doing it. Numbers tell the real truth – not a mindset.


Speaking of mindset – geesh! Concern about what others think – whether it is concern about family members, colleagues or even your own thinking – you’ve got to stop worrying about what others think. So perhaps you are a new entrepreneur – you still need help. To hire help right at the outset is one of the SMARTEST things you will do in your business.

Tip: Make a list of the pros and cons of hiring an assistant. You will easily and quickly see all the benefits of getting support. It actually frees you to do so many other things of higher value.

One thing that many entrepreneurs do not even think about when it comes to having an assistant and/or a team, is that you have back-up in the event life smacks you on the side of the head. Life happens! To have someone on your team who has your back and who can keep things going is one of the most important reasons to get support.

So there you go. If this article hasn’t created some dissonance for you when it comes to building a team, I don’t know what will. Get serious about your business. Get with the program. Take action today. You’ll be happy you did.


Please share your thoughts!


  1. It took me a week between “I need a VA” to contacting a couple of VA’s for an information call. (The fact that my furnace was out for four days is not really an excuse…) but am feeling very positive about this process. Making a decision, and following through is such a mood booster. (Don’t think I am unique in that). I am so grateful for the advice about outsourcing everything you are not good at. This changes me from a hobby owner to a business owner. This changes everything. “Little changes are life changers”…the Maven’s tag-line.

  2. Thanks to your advice, Pat, the first person whom I hired for my team was a bookkeeper, that was quickly followed by a Virtual Assistant. My next hire, will be a techie to work on my website, someone whom I met through you. So, thank you for your invaluable advice & all of the connections that I’ve made with fellow, talented, women entrepreneurs who mingle in your circle.

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