“There’s no way I can take time away from my business!” I have been getting notes and messages from entrepreneurs commenting on my recent 2-week vacation and asking how in the world I could make this happen.

I am going to keep this really simple for you.  As I was on the airplane, returning home, I was able to sum it all up in 3 simple points and that’s what I want to share with you today.


My 2-week vacation didn’t ‘just happen’. Last October, when I bought my annual wall calendar for my office, I started off by scheduling my vacations for 2015. I knew back then that I would be going away for 2 weeks in July and marked it (in ink!) on the calendar right then and there.

That’s when the planning and preparation began. I knew that some client group monthly calls would need to be rescheduled. I knew that I would need a certain amount of money for the trip. I knew that I wanted to generate a certain amount of revenue leading up to that time. I knew that I needed to communicate this plan to my team – because they like to take summer vacation too and it’s important to coordinate this kind of absence so the wheels stay on the bus while I am away.

So be sure to plan your time off – and do that well ahead of time. Map out your vacations for the whole year – mini vacations, long vacations, a day off here and there just for you. And stay committed to it!

#2 –TEAM.

I have a fantastic team – and what I mean by that is we communicate regularly, openly and honestly. They know the plan for my business for the year, they know my plans for time off, they have a pretty good idea on the revenue goals that are set for certain major events, etc. etc. etc.  They are a key component in the success of my business. We discuss what needs to happen while I am away, who will handle what, how emergencies (if any ……and which is rare) will be handled, who will be the main point of contact, and so much more. My manager, Denise, knows exactly how to contact me if/when she needs to. Otherwise, my team is very respectful of the time I need away from the business and pretty much run the show without me. And that leads to my last point.

#3 –TRUST.

I know, for a fact, that many entrepreneurs will not take time off because they don’t trust their team to handle things. One of the reasons for this is that communication has been very poor, if it exists at all. So there’s no way the team can step up to the plate and run the show. Lack of planning and communication puts everyone in a very precarious situation.

Trust is built over time. Team members are human – and so are you. Will there be mistakes while you are gone. Of course there will. Is my work of a ‘life or death’ nature? Absolutely NOT. Can some things wait if any team member is uncertain? For sure. But I trust my team – each and every one of them – to know and do what is right for the business, for the client and for me in my absence.

You’ve got to put your trust in your people. If this doesn’t exist, it should start now. It’s part of my secret sauce!

One of the other reasons I find all of this so vitally important is that, as a business coach, I want to model success strategies to my clients! Don’t you?


Please share your thoughts!