Have heard the expression, when it comes to business: “when you are interested, you do what is convenient; when you are committed, you do whatever it takes!”?? (I’m not sure of the source for this quote because I’ve heard it from so many different people – but it really does ‘sum it up’ when it comes to your approach to business!)

As I enjoyed breakfast this past weekend, I was reflecting on the above quote as I stared at my bacon and eggs. Seriously – ask yourself the question: are you the chicken (‘interested’) or the pig (‘totally committed”)?

If you find yourself ‘interested’ – then, I consider you to be a hobbyist. And that’s ok because there’s a place for everyone – but those are not the people I choose to work with.

When it comes to my business, I choose only to work with those who are serious – those who are committed – those who really want to transform their business – and make a difference in the world! (That’s also the experience I had with my new master mind members last week – and THAT is what made the experience so fantastic – every single person in that room was committed to doing business in a very serious way!)

My ‘ranticle’, since the start of the new year, has been about the chicken and the pig – the hobbyist vs the entrepreneur. There are so many people who are truly wasting their God-given talents and gifts because they just are not serious about the way they are doing business. Here’s the difference – truly committed, serious entrepreneurs:

1. Have a business plan and a strategy.

2. Have a professional development plan and strategy.

3. Have a business bank account.

4. Have a merchant account – so they can properly service their customers on line (with respect to payments).

5. Belong to a master mind group (because they are NOT afraid to invest in themselves and in their business).

6. Spend time with great mentors and other successful entrepreneurs.

7. Have all the proper equipment with which to do business.

8. Work in an organized, efficient environment.

9. Work in an organized, professional, effective manner (true hours of business!).

10. Are clear about who they are and the service they provide/ transformation they offer.

(This is a pretty good little check-list for some self-examination, by the way.)

Is this you? Congratulations! Do you want this to be you? Then get serious – get in the game – get committed! I find it very sad to see entrepreneurs who are ‘out there’ trying to attract clients and make money when, in fact, they can barely pay their mortgage and haven’t made money in their ‘business’ in years – how in the world do you expect YOUR clients to pay YOU? You attract what you think about………..


No one person makes it ‘on their own’ in business. That is why there is such a range of great professional services available……..book-keepers, accountants, virtual assistants, ………and coaches.

I am writing this article to get you thinking – thinking about what is possible for your business and for your life this year. When you are seriously in business – and you do what it takes to succeed – you must get totally committed to the outcomes. You must do whatever it takes! (Who ever said that having your own business was easy? It’s hard work, for heaven’s sake!) Or………step aside – and get out of the way of those who are actually doing “it”.

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” – Benjamin Franklin

What excuses have you been making to avoid being totally committed? Please share your thoughts!