The 5 G’s of Success Formula! And MY #1 ‘secret to success - #PM45

Hi everyone, it’s Pat Mussieux coming to you from the most beautiful Hyatt Hotel in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. It’s a beautiful summer day here today, and it is Sunday afternoon. This might seem like a bit of a shock to many of you who know that, typically, I do not work on a Sunday afternoon. However, there is one thing about me that most of you do know, and it is the fact that I keep the power of my word and I follow-through on commitment. I have been here for a three-day conference that, actually, has been quite transforming on so many levels.

The closing speaker yesterday, Chris Harder, put a challenge out to all of us and I made a commitment to follow through on that challenge, which is why I’m doing this Facebook Live this afternoon. I want to share what he gave us on the 5 G’s of Success Formula.

Chris had mentioned that this content came from Lewis Howes, so I’ll give credit to them both. I’m going to give you the 5 G’s of the Success Formula and add my number one secret to success. It’s not really a secret. Most of you who know me are not going to be surprised, but for many of you, it may be a surprise.

So let’s go with the 5 G’s. This is no stranger to the way I do business either, but the first one for the Secret Success Formula is to have goals. You know what’s been interesting to me, over the last many months in particular, as I listen to different entrepreneurs, I’ve learned that many people just don’t know how to set goals. We talk about it and you read about it but, fundamentally, many people just don’t know how to set a goal. I do and I pride myself in setting goals, and I focus on three things at a time. Anybody can stay focused on three things at a time. That’s what works for me, and that’s what I encourage and invite you to do.

The second G, as shared by Chris, is having a game plan. I know why most entrepreneurs fail. I’m a business coach. I’ve coached thousands of entrepreneurs, from small to medium-sized business, and I’ve done performance coaching, productivity coaching in corporations as well, with small business, and most entrepreneurs fail because they don’t have a game plan. Without a plan, you will fail. There’s just no doubt about it, so you have to have a game plan. It doesn’t need to be complicated. That is another reason why many fail. You believe that a game plan has to be 52 pages long, a really thick document. It doesn’t. You can create a game plan on one page. Keep it simple. That’s my philosophy.

Number three, the third G, is group. Many years ago, I worked with Weight Watchers International, and what I knew then and what I learned for sure was that many people achieve success because of the group dynamics. Again, many of you are acting like the Lone Ranger out there when, in fact, your success would probably go through the roof if you were part of a group. There is magic in group dynamics. I know that. I have been in high-level mastermind groups. I lead mastermind groups for entrepreneurs, and the success formula there, when implemented and together, the accountability, the fellowship, the friendships that unfold, it’s just magic. It’s just pure magic.

So the third G, group dynamic, is a key to your success. I know that for sure.

The fourth G is gratitude. Now, if you look at my profile page on Facebook and look at the page banner at the top, you’ll see I’ve been doing gratitude journals for over 22 years. It is life changing. An attitude of gratitude is absolutely part of a success formula. You can’t possibly hold a mindset of fear, negativity or dismay when you’re in a mindset of gratitude, so I highly encourage you to adopt that habit starting today. Be conscious, be aware, be mindful, look around, and give thanks. Get in the habit of starting with three things a day. Put it into your calendar and make it a daily routine, just like you’re having a shower or brushing your teeth. Get into the habit of gratitude.

The last one, the fifth the G that Chris shared that he learned from Lewis Howes, is giving. Be a giving person. If you know my story, when I started over again at age 58, I had nothing. I started from scratch, but one thing I did learn, and this was from Suze Orman, was I had a glass jar on my desk, and the minute I earned any type of revenue, I always gave back. I would put money in that jar to pay myself, but also to give back, and so I connected with an organization called Kiva. You can go to

I started the giving process with them right away because I know how the universe works and I believe in karma. Start to adopt the attitude of giving. We have so much in North America, so I encourage you to develop that habit of giving because it’s going to make a huge difference in your mindset, and what we think about comes about. So get into that practice.

The last one that I want to add, and this is my own from my own experience, is the number one success formula or factor to your success is you have to be hungry. I look around at so many entrepreneurs who have a back-up plan. That might be a spouse or a partner with a paycheck. That might be your savings account. It might be your 401k or your RRSP in Canada. Listen, when I started over and I was hungry, you better believe I got my butt up out of bed every day. I went out there and I made it happen. I see many of you. You’re just plain lazy because you don’t have to make it happen. You have a soft place to fall. I didn’t, and when I look around at the entrepreneurs who succeed, look at the high achievers, the likes of the Oprah’s and so on. They came from tough backgrounds, tough stories.

You have to be hungry, and so my challenge to you, for the next month, why don’t you just consider adopting the practice of just being self-sufficient. Just do it on your own. In other words, don’t rely on shifting funds from your personal account over to your business account, or don’t look at covering your expenses with your spouse’s paycheck. Do it on your own. Set some sales goals, set some revenue targets, and get out there and make it happen. You’d probably shock yourself at how amazing you can be and how much good you can do in the world.

If you need to learn some of those skills, this coming Saturday in Toronto I’m going to be hosting a Sales Mastery Workshop. For those of you who are interested, just say yes in the comments section here and I’ll be sure to send you the link. I might even post the link here. It’s never too late to register, and bring a friend too. I’ll teach you what I’ve learned, from being hungry to taking my business to the high multiple six figures, and to creating the life that I love, where I can spend a beautiful weekend in Phoenix, Arizona.

Those are the 5 G’s from Chris Harder. This is a follow-through on my commitment to say I would do this Facebook Live, which I love doing anyway, and also just to get some information out to those of you who are sitting here today, on a Sunday, thinking already about Monday and who are you going to call, what are you going to do, where’s the cash flow going to come from. Keep it simple. Follow some success formulas and get connected with people who have done it.

Come to my workshop next Saturday, in Toronto. I’ll be doing a virtual one in the future, but for now come and join me behind closed doors on Saturday, in Toronto. I’ll give you my best stuff, I promise.
All right, go out and make it a good day. I hope you took lots of great notes here. Hit the share button so other people can benefit from this too. Much appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks everyone.