I often get asked ‘what does your day look like’? What does a typical week look like for you? My clients and colleagues know that, among other things, one of my greatest gifts is the ability to create and implement a plan.

Many entrepreneurs are running their business by the seat of their pants. Is that you?

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

From what I hear, in my many conversations with entrepreneurs, plans do not get created because we over-complicate things. My style is to keep things simple. Sometimes my plans get created on a napkin while I am eating at an airport. Sometimes it happens in the formal environment of a board room.

But I will say this – the ‘secret’ to my success is definitely in having a plan. There are 5 reasons, in my opinion, why every entrepreneur needs to have a plan for their business, and a plan for their life!


I have an annual meeting with my business coach to create a plan for my business. It’s never carved in stone but it certainly gives me direction when it comes to the activities and revenue that become the focus for the year. In that way, I am very clear on where I am going and growing. At this stage in my life and in my business, I am not interested in re-inventing the wheel or in making costly mistakes.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
― Benjamin Franklin


Once I have a plan for the year, I communicate that plan and the vision with my team. We discuss this on a very high level and also integrate it into our regular meetings. We know where we are going and growing, and why. There are no surprises. Now, there may be changes along the way – that’s for certain. The ‘plan’ is a living, breathing, ‘work in progress’ document. When your team members know what’s happening, it’s easier for them to also plan ahead in order to best serve and support you.

“Your biggest enemy is the unknown and assumptions.”
― LTG Christianson


One of the things that frustrates me the most about entrepreneurs these days is just how ‘busy’ they are – and yet they aren’t making any money. That’s a red flag to me and an indicator that they don’t, in fact, have a plan that they are working on. Having a plan gives you boundaries. It helps you to stay focused and so, when potentially distracted by those ‘bright, shiny objects’, you can get back to your plan. It becomes easy to say NO – because you DO know where you are going and growing. Focus becomes the mantra!


When I get up each working day and focus on my business plan, it is easy also to have a life. My days and weeks are planned out quite strategically, even though I operate on the 80/20 rule – which means I allow for some flexibility in the grand scheme of things. I have a very clear sense of what my work week looks like and that means leaving the office/work by 6 p.m. and getting on with my life! That may mean reading, exercising, theatre, TV…….whatever the case may be. There is a clear line for me – because I know what I need to accomplish in any given day and when I’m done, I’m done!

 “It’s a funny thing, how much time we spend planning our lives. We so convince ourselves of what we want to do, that sometimes we don’t see what we’re meant to do.”
― Susan Gregg Gilmore, Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen


That is why I am in business – to make a lot of money – and to make a profit. Money is freedom. Money touches everything. Making money makes me a better coach – I have walked that path of growing my business from zero to over half a million dollars in 4 years. How did I do that? Well, among other things, I had a plan and I worked the plan. ‘She who implements, wins!” and that’s me.

“She must protect herself. There would be no one to do it for her. A plan started to prick up its ears inside her, slowly, but getting stronger.”
― Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There

It all starts and ends with a plan. I couldn’t imagine running a business without one – nor living my best life without one. It definitely is the way I grow my business, attract ideal clients, make the money I deserve – and makes me a successful business coach.

My question to you is – do YOU have a plan? If not, what are you waiting for?

We’d love to hear! Please share your thoughts!