As a coach and speaker, there is one question that I hear all the time – “how do YOU close the sale?” There appears to be some mystery around the actual sales language that ‘brings it all to a close’.

For those of you who know me and my style, you know I like to keep things simple. It’s typically US who makes things complicated and we get in our own way. How many times has that happened to you? Where and when are you surrounded by ideal prospects and you just don’t see them? Where are you leaving money on the table?

In this article, I will address my 3 secret strategies for closing the sale.

1. L.I.S.T.E.N. Yes – it’s that simple. Most of us are so keen on telling the prospect everything about US, and about everything that WE do and have to offer – that we do not stop and listen to the pain that the prospect is sharing. They’re bleeding all over us and we aren’t hearing a word of it. NEWS FLASH, people – it’s not about YOU!

Yes, you do need to share the essence of who you are and what you have to offer, but not until you have heard the pain or the challenge that the prospect is experiencing. So, that’s my secret formula #1LISTEN!

2. ASK FOR THE SALE. Sounds simple, I know. It is simple. When I hear my clients say they need to ‘get psyched up’ to make a sales call, that raises a huge red flag for me. Psyched up to share your talent – to provide a solution – to throw someone a life jacket – really? What’s that all about?

This would be the time when you really need to self-examine to understand what’s going on here. Why in the world would you need to get psyched up? The world needs you. We are all unique – we have a purpose – you have a passion for what you’re doing – you have a solution. Psyched up to do what, exactly? Help people out!

Now, I know I am simplifying this – one way that I was able to improve, and master, this skill is in working with my coach – she asked me to record some of the sales calls I was making and then send her the link to the recording. She then provided feedback on specific comments/timing that I was making during the call – and then had me go do another one. It was an ideal way to fine-tune and recognize where I WAS getting in MY own way – rather than focusing on the needs of the prospect.

Once I had those insights and continued to make more and more calls (it is a numbers game, ladies!) – I am able to facilitate a positive end result for both the prospect and me within a half hour time frame.

3. FOLLOW-UP! Truth be known, this is where the money really is. It’s in the follow-up. Many of you will have sales calls, hear the prospect’s objections – everything from ‘I have to think about it’, “I have to speak with my husband/partner/friend/dog”, ‘It’s not the right time’, “That costs too much” and more – and you let it go at that. STOP RIGHT THERE! Perhaps that did happen on your calls – but you can change that – start to follow up. Perhaps the timing was off – that can happen. Get right back on the phone – be human about it – talk to your prospect like they are a real person – ‘I just wanted to follow up on our phone conversation last time – I believe I didn’t provide you with all the information you needed to make an informed decision. I’d like to continue that conversation right now with you.” – See. You can do this! Do your follow-up. You’ll be amazed at the results. (and no one ever died from making a follow-up call and having someone say no!)

Does this sound simple? Well, it really is simple. When you focus on your passion and purpose and get over yourself, you will realize that S.A.L.E.S. is not a four-letter word. But rather, consider it a life-jacket – consider it being of service – consider it your life mission.

All entrepreneurs want to attract new clients and make money. That is the truth. Put the focus on being of service rather than psyching yourself up to make a sales call. Re-frame your thinking.

Now – get going! It’s a big world out there and WE have a lot of work to do, collectively, with our talents and expertise. People are waiting for you! Let me know when you’ve applied these tips and how they worked for you, ok? Because I care………

What one thing will you do today to increase your sales and be of service?

Be sure to post your comment and let me know – I’m always open to learning from others.