How do you keep it all together when you travel so much? That’s a question I get ALL the time as a speaker and business coach. Keeping it all together when on the road is no different than having a plan for your business ……

It is all about the plan…

So how do I prepare? Let me keep this simple for you – it’s about knowing what you want. I have personal goals when it comes to health and wellness which can be a challenge when travelling so much. AND it’s also important to stay focused ON the business, particularly when I am travelling for a number of consecutive weeks.


It really does come down to this. Planning. Be very clear on what you want your travel to look like and feel like. I live by my calendar – I have a huge wall calendar in my office and I plan ahead for each quarter of the year. When it comes to travel, we map out the days, the airline schedules, the hotels, and all the other nitty gritty details. My travel agent knows my preferences when it comes to a window seat, travelling in daylight where/when possible (vs those ‘crack of stupid’ departure times of 6 a.m. LOL – and I prefer NOT to arrive at my destination any time around midnight either). Create a plan – know what you want – communicate what you want with your team, which includes the travel agent.



skipping ropeMany years ago, my very good friend Kate (my fitness mentor), told me that when I pack my suitcase the very first thing that should go in there are my workout clothes – that includes running shoes, skipping rope, etc. – because I can use the skipping rope anywhere, at any time. No excuses. Although, when I do arrive at hotels, I always check out the fitness center and create my workout plan/schedule accordingly. So, pack your suitcase to support your goals. It’s that simple.


The reason I mention this is because, as we all know these days, travel can be a pure joy or an absolute nightmare! I am very disciplined when it comes to meal choices, staying hydrated, working out, getting the sleep I need and so on. However, I also know from experience that not everything goes according to plan. In which case, I go back to Tip #1 – plan for ‘life’ to happen. I always carry protein bars, keep my FitBit on my arm and walk the airports so I get my steps in each day (waiting for delayed or cancelled flights), I have meditation programs on my I-phone so I can stay calm and relaxed, I stay connected with my team so they know what’s happening (or not happening, LOL) – be flexible. It will save you wrinkles and sleepless nights!


Want to enjoy your business travel? Well, then, follow my 3 simple tips and see how much happier you will be on this entrepreneurial journey.

So, what tip will you incorporate for your next business trip?

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